Success lies in deprioritizing unnecessary.  

27 June, 2023 Futuristic Technology
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Digital Transformation Expert
Digital Transformation Expert

Action expresses priorities. M.K. Gandhi 

It’s all priorities and It’s all about the roads you choose to tread upon. 

Do you know the power to prioritize is rare? People really struggle to set a priority that helps them to grow. You might have heard the saying” Choose what scares you the most” Why so? Because people have the tendency to prioritize their comfort and comfort brings no success. 

The right set of priorities can make your stars shine brighter and the wrong ones can land you in a gutter! 

But why do people prioritize the wrong things? 

Simple answer, GREED! 

Imagine this; 

It’s Sunday and you decide to watch a Udemy course. Five minutes after starting you receive a call from your friend calling you for a party. 

What will you do? 

Well, if you choose the course, this article is not for you but if you choose a party, you are in the right place. 

The greed of being happy around people you love defeats the need to upskill. Prioritizing what’s right is difficult, but practice makes it better. 

But why should you prioritize? 

  • Prioritizing helps you create life balance. 
  • It helps you manage your time and money. 
  • It helps you make decisions. 
  • It gives you a sense of purpose. 
  • It reduces stress. 

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How can you set your priorities right? 

To prioritize the right in your life, you need to take responsibility for how you spend your time. Decide what’s most important to you and then use the prioritization pyramid to rank your priorities. Divide your priorities into specific time periods, such as a season, a week, and a day. Finally, say no to distractions so you can focus on your priorities. 

Here are the key points: 

  • Take responsibility for how you spend your time. 
  • Decide what’s most important to you. 
  • Use the prioritization pyramid to rank your priorities. 
  • Divide your priorities into specific time periods. 
  • Say no to distractions. 


The most foolish thing to do is to be a Jack of all trades and master of none! Prioritize Right!  

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