Belief. Learning. Opinion. GuidanceFrom In-the-trenches stories to Best Practices,
Arun's blog about Technology, Team and Beyond

The use of Predictive Analytics in Product Development 

04 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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Let’s dive into a topic that has been revolutionizing the way we approach product development – Predictive Analytics. In the dynamic landscape of technology, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. So, let’s explore how predictive analytics can become your secret weapon in boosting product development.  Understanding the Pulse […]

India’s 5G Smartphone Shipments See a 78% Growth Year-on-Year 

12 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, India has emerged as a significant player in the global market. One area where India has been making significant strides is the 5G smartphone industry. Recent reports indicate that India’s 5G smartphone shipments have witnessed an astounding 78% growth year-on-year. This remarkable surge not only impacts the smartphone industry […]

What is Deep Learning?

12 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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You probably feel as though you’re working through a linear checklist when you “work through” a problem. But the human brain doesn’t work that way; it uses a non-linear pattern to process information. Additionally, deep learning, an aspect of artificial intelligence (AI), functions in much the same way.  At its core, deep learning mimics how […]

What is No-Code SaaS? 

15 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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What is SaaS?  A cloud-based software delivery model is known as SaaS, software-as-a-service, on-demand software, and hosted software. In this business model, the software provider creates the application and makes it pay-per-use or subscription-based available to customers online.     Traditional software, all hardware, middleware, and security are all managed by the software provider. They are […]

Success lies in deprioritizing unnecessary.  

18 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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Action expresses priorities. M.K. Gandhi  It’s all priorities and It’s all about the roads you choose to tread upon.  Do you know the power to prioritize is rare? People really struggle to set a priority that helps them to grow. You might have heard the saying” Choose what scares you the most” Why so? Because […]

Quantum Computing: Is this for real? 

18 July, 2024 Futuristic Technology

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The pace of the race to build a quantum computer is highest than ever. Companies like Google, Microsoft, and IBM are sliding slyly to build a commercially viable quantum computer. It is sought to solve various big-picture issues like climate change, drugs, and the world economy.   But But But The path to building a […]

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